Aloha! Welcome to Maui Bus Transit Advertising!


The County of Maui launches first ever
transit advertising program on Maui Bus.

Stone Jetty Advertising, which manages the program for Maui Bus, has announced the launch of its pilot program.
The pilot will provide preferred pricing to a limited number of advertisers between now and May 31, 2017.

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Why Transit Advertising?

Massive Exposure

Transit advertising generates massive amounts of exposure opportunities that surpass electronic and other print mediums

Broad Spectrum Audience

Reach a broad spectrum of people from various backgrounds, cultures and age groups.


Transit advertising is extremely cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising.


Interior transit advertising displays target a captive audience that will see and remember your ad message.


Regional Connections

Buses travel scheduled routes through commercial and industrial areas, shopping malls, entertainment centers and special events. Advertisers have an opportunity to connect with people that work, shop, visit and live in these different areas.

Works 7 Days A Week Including Holidays

Maui Buses run from early morning to evening, 7 days a week including all holidays. Transit ads work to get your message seen the whole time throughout the region.